On the 17th till 19th of May, the ONCS took place. For the first time ever, the ONCS took place in Wageningen. Even though Wageningen is in the middle of the Netherlands, the travel time already is something to complain about, but with everyone together we had a good time. When we arrived it quickly became clear that the beds could only be put up at 11, we were there at 8… Besides this there were two party locations, someplace called the bunker and the sports canteen, which looked like you were in an exam room. Of course, we got the exam room as our party location, so we decided to go somewhere else. With almost everyone from Alembic we went to ‘de woeste hoeve’, where we had a great first night (well except Kevin and Japie).

During the second day, everyone played their corresponding sports, except for the board game players, who did not have a schedule and finished before 12. After a tiring day of sports all people enjoyed a nice dinner before going to the second party. During this final party the traditional beer relay’s took place. Alembic 1 reached the finals, however, were just short of taking the title from Sigma.

On Friday morning, the last couple of games took place, after which Sigma also won the entire ONCS, and Alembic got a disappointing 7th place. Hopefully next year we will have more success in Nijmegen!