End of the Year
As the holidays approach, it is time to say goodbye for now. We have had a wonderful year filled with an incredible amount of events and activities. We managed to close the year with an amazing barbecue and (hopefully) a great Active Members Activity.
Almost everyone is done with their exams and is dreaming about their holidays. As it is one of the summers that so much is possible again, a lot of people have a lot of fun plans.
For the people that are already looking forward to next year, the KIKSTart has been doing an amazing job and it promises to be another great Kick-In! The candidate board has also been busy with their transfer period and are getting ready to take over in a couple of months. And even though it was not possible this year, the BuCo has also been very busy arranging everything for next year!
Everyone has been working incredibly hard and we are so happy to see that so many people have put in this effort. As a board we are very proud to see how Alembic is recovering from Corona which gives us faith that, in the scenario of another wave, we will manage and thrive again!
On behalf of the 58th board,
we wish you a very nice holiday and an amazing summer and we hope to see everyone of you again next year!