The educational committee (EduCo) dedicates itself to the educational rights and interests of their fellow students and forms a bridge between the educational staff and the students. There is quick communication between the staff and the EduCo so that problems noted by students can be addressed as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This communication is achieved by hosting one evaluation moment in every quartile where students can give feedback on their education. The Commissioner of Educational Affairs then processes these comments and discusses them with the educational staff.
Besides this, the EduCo tries to motivate students and to stimulate lecturers. There is a huge collection of old exams to try to motivate students to practice and increase their grades. For lecturers who show extra attention to the program, we show our appreciation in the form of a small gift. Finally, there is presented an award to the best lecturer of the program every year.
The current EduCO consists of the following members:
- Ilja Ekker (chairman)
- Phu Minh Lu
- Eleftheria Kritikou
- Ivanna Vasyliv
- Konstatina Vaiduli
- Galina Perveeva
- Nathan Pinto
- Brent English
Board contact person: Evan van der Geer