The Transfer


This page will tell you everything you need to know in order to make sure everything will go well during the transfer. If anything explained below is not working or something went wrong please get in touch with the board or the ASO.

Activating your account

Due to the switch of systems your Alembic account will have to be reactivated in the new environment. All members will recieve an email with a link to activate your account. Once the link has been pressed follow the instructions on your screen. You will have to check your profile and potentially fill in missing details. Make sure to do this thoroughly! Notice that there are some restrictions:

  • You will not be able to fill in your student email as an email
  • You are required to fill in your IBAN, international IBANs are allowed but Dutch ones are preferred.

Then, once you have made a password congressus will tell you that the activation of your account was successful. From this moment on you can log in to the website and access everything in its full glory. For questions do not hesitate to reach out to the Board. 

Enrollment list

The way to enrol for the activities will change slightly. You can now enrol for activities on the website instead of going to a different webpage first. To enrol for an activity, simply press the tab 'events' in the top bar on the website and all upcoming activities will appear. Notice that you will have to have done the activation above to be able to log in and enrol. Enrolling can be done here.

The new systems also allow members to enrol via the touchscreen. The way to do this is described below. 


The touchscreen got a new look as well. Logging in to the touchscreen can now be done by scanning your student card on the card scanner. If it is the first time then it will ask you to fill in your student number and send a confirmation email. In this email is a link to activate your card. After this is done your card is activated and you can scan it to get some snacks. This procedure is also described on the paper above the touchscreen. Once you logged in with your card you will also be able to press on one of the activities and click the sign up button to enrol for activities. 


In the future, there will be more changes to for example the shares, however, for now, these will remain the same. Once they switch you will be notified so keep your eyes open.