Thesis Finder

Thesis Finder

Theses are a difficult theme for many people. This website is available to make the process less chaotic and more about the students. More assignments can be made/initiated by students when in contact with a department or reseacrh group. This is purely an indication for possible theses out there. There are more theses for some departments/research groups. Due to the visibility of the webstie not all theses are displayed, if you are interested in a certain group, at the bottom is a list of a couple websites.


Physics of Complex Fluids - PCF

Atomic Force Microscopy, lab training, physical chemistry of aqueous electrolyte and solid-electrolyte interfaces

Physics of Complex Fluids - PCF

Dissolution, optical microscopy

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

Nanosheets, growth, lab work


Membrane Surface Science - MSUS

Ion exchange membrane, polyelectrolyte complex, reinforcement

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

Surface modification, nano, FTIR, hermogravimetric analysis, electrochemical testing

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

2D crystal colloids, nano, XRD, SEM, XRF

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

ion exchange, Li battery cycling, lab work

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

electrode/electrolyte interfaces, materials, production methods

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

High entropy materials, Rotational Disk Electrode, error analysis

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

Pulsed laser deposition, XRD, spectrophotometers, AFM

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

Spin-coated thin films, XRD, AFM, perovskites

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

crystal substrates, PLD, reflection high-energy electron diffraction,Characterizations of thin films

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

Electrodes, battery, thin film

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

Transport, optical, AFM, XRD, experimental

Inorganic Material Science - IMS

Solid oxide fuel cells, semipermeable membranes, Porous mixed electron-ion conducting materials

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

Microfluidics, high speed imaging, food ingredients

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

Nanofiltration, Valorization, Process development

Hybrid Materials for Opto-Electronics - HMOE

polymer synthesis, device fabrication, electrical characterization, organic electronic devices that simulate brain-like processing

Hybrid Materials for Opto-Electronics - HMOE

Synthesis, Electrochemical grafting, characterization

Hybrid Materials for Opto-Electronics - HMOE

neuromorphic computing device, electrical properties, conductive polymers

Hybrid Materials for Opto-Electronics - HMOE

Coding, 3D-fabrication, EGaIn

Hybrid Materials for Opto-Electronics - HMOE

Electrochromic polymers, optical/electrical properties, Transport

Biointerfaces chemistry - BIC

Hydrogels and 3D printing, synthesis, Smart materials

Molecular Nanofabrication - MNF

Synthesis, Decomposition, Seperations

Molecular Nanofabrication - MNF

Polyelectrolytes, NMR, Lab

Molecular Nanofabrication - MNF

Surface chemistry, Microscopy, QCM-D, Interferometry


Physics of Complex Fluids - PCF

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, mineral carbonation techniques, data analysis

Physics of Complex Fluids - PCF

Atomic force spectroscopy, nanoparticle electrocatalyst, lab training

Soft matter, Fluidics and Interfaces - SFI

HEPA filter, Covid-19, 3D-printing, microscopy, image analysis, simple modeling

Soft matter, Fluidics and Interfaces - SFI

Aerosols, Covid-19, microfluidic chip, COMSOL, microscopy

Soft matter, Fluidics and Interfaces - SFI

Soft Matter, Microfluidics, Cake Layer Formation

Films in Fluids - FIF

Hollow fiber membrane, polyelectrolytes, single step

Membrane Surface Science - MSUS

Polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes, Layer by layer coating, Organig Micropollutant removals, Dense membranes

Membrane Surface Science - MSUS

Polyelectrolyte multilayers, nanofiltration, water purification, layer-by-layer, nanoparticles, membrane modification

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

Osmotically Assisted Reverse Osmosis, Desalination, Brine, Membrane Modification

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

Low-Salt-Rejection reverse osmosis, desalination, brine treatment, membrane modification

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

Membrane characterization, Analytical methods

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

CFD, Ssimulation, Scale-up, Process Design

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

Organic micropollutants, PEM hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes, membrane module design

Membrane Process Technology - MPT

Biological process, Nanofiltration, Organic micropollutants, nutrient removal, Process optimization

Sustainable Process Technology - SPT

Literature study, Experiments, Result analysis, Modelling

Sustainable Process Technology - SPT

Literature study, kinetics, equilibrium, solubility, measurement technique;  absorption of CO2 in water into MEA solutions, Lab work, Stirred cell apparatus

Sustainable Process Technology - SPT

Process scheme, Extraction, Simulation, Cost analysis

Sustainable Process Technology - SPT

Metal complexation, Extraction, Experiments, pH

Sustainable Process Technology - SPT

Thermoresponsive polymers, LLX, TIPS, Analysis

Sustainable Process Technology - SPT

Light excitation, Reactive distillation, Nanoparticles, Lab, Simulation

Sustainable Polymer Chemistry - SPC

Interface, biodegradation, AFM

Sustainable Polymer Chemistry - SPC

Biodegradation, AFM, Polymers

Sustainable Polymer Chemistry - SPC

Biodegradation, Lab, Smart materials

Molecular Nanofabrication - MNF

Synthesis, NMR, MS, Physiochemical properties

Molecular Nanofabrication - MNF

Interactions between monomers, Design additives, Synthesis

Molecular Nanofabrication - MNF

Nano materials, Surface chemistry, biological targets